The hospitable Whakaipo Lodge owners dish up gourmet home cooking and thoughtfully appointed accommodation, as well as garden concerts and fireside canapes, extensive local knowledge and plenty of rural tranquillity. Main meals – think whisky marinated smoked salmon with sauteed citrus leeks and cress – may be sociable gatherings or a candlelit dinner for two, served on a private patio amidst lush gardens and mature trees.
Every guest is personally welcomed, often with an afternoon tea treat, and given all the privacy or guidance they desire while staying.
Cherished Guests
A knack for pre-empting and meeting people’s needs has seen the couple continually scoop top national awards from the likes of Qualmark, TripAdvisor and the Bed & Breakfast Association of NZ. They have won the latter’s supreme award three times and take pride in living up to the name of their establishment.
Whakaipo, which translates to “woo, cherish, treat with affection,” is also the pristine beach and bay two minutes’ drive from their Mapara Valley doorstep.

Garth and Angie’s care is evident in the small things; treats available for people with special dietary needs, the sourcing of luxurious Casa Lavanda products for guest bathrooms, provision of sunhats and fishing gear to their guests.
The Londons chose to abandon the corporate world – he was in construction, she worked in printing – to move to the central North Island and dote on others.
“It was just time to make those crazy decisions, to pursue our passions. Both of us had been involved in the outdoors sector and Angie’s always been a passionate cook."
Garth London
“We wanted to do something more aligned to our personal values, that was very much about people, about sustainability and the environment. It’s about combining all our great loves in one place and making them full-time rather than after-work pursuits.”
Top Travel Tips
After purchasing the property, they renovated extensively to create a comfortable guest lodge based on the best of everything they had experienced travelling in New Zealand and overseas. Then they added furniture to sink into, stacks of books and games, carefully chosen artwork and photos that are personally or historically significant. Look out for Garth’s paintings on the walls, too.
The four hectare property is home to a thriving orchard, a flock of Romney and black-faced Suffolk sheep as well as tui, piwakawaka (fantails), korimako (bellbirds), cuckoos, riflemen, nocturnal ruru (owls) and a host of other avian residents.