Toitū te Ariki, Toi Tūwharetoa. Ruia Taitea, Ruia Taitea!

Celebrating whakapapa at heart of new Taupō Museum exhibition.
‘Toitū te Ariki, Toi Tūwharetoa, Ruia Taitea!’ The inaugural iwi-led art awards and exhibition honours the creativity, resilience, and innovation of Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

The exhibition will be the first ever Ahurei (festival) of Ngāti Tūwharetoa. The aim is to encourage and promote resilience and aspirational thinking as Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

Through ngā ūara of Whakapono, Kotahitanga, and Whanaungatanga, they celebrate their whakapapa as artists, leaders, change agents, and innovators.

Toi Tūwharetoa is an artist-led initiative by ringatoi (artists) Māori who either whakapapa to Ngāti Tūwharetoa or are Māori living within the rohe (region) of Ngāti Tūwharetoa. The Toi awards will be judged by Te Maari Gardiner from Ngāti Tūwharetoa and Gabrielle Belz from Ngapuhi, Te Ati Awa.

The exhibition was curated by Piata Winitana-Murray (Ngāti Turumakina) and Tyrone Te Waa (Ngāti Rongomai, Ngāti Hikairo Ki Te Rena) representing Toi Tūwharetoa, in partnership with Te Kapua Whakapipi.

Proudly supported by Ariki – Tā Tumu Te Heuheu, who is acknowledged through presenting the portraits of past Ariki alongside the exhibition, the exhibition and awards coincide with Ruia Taitea, the first ever Ahurei (festival) of Ngāti Tūwharetoa on Saturday 8 February.

The exhibition and awards call on hapū to bring forward their best, offering a moment to celebrate the diversity of artistic expression. Inspired by the love and confidence passed down by tūpuna, this space reflects the spirit of unity, strength, and creativity that defines Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

Nau mai haere mai. The winners will be announced at the award evening and exhibition opening at Taupō Museum on Friday 7 February, starting at 5.30pm.

The exhibition runs from Saturday 8 February to Friday 24 March at Taupō Museum.

  • Mon 24 Mar, 10:00am - 4:30pm
Ticket information:
Locals / tangata whenua: $0.00
Children / tamariki: $0.00
Seniors & tertiary students with ID: $4.00
Adults: $6.00
Taupo Museum
All Ages
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