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List your business on lovetaupo.com for FREE

Basic listings on lovetaupo.com for businesses in the Taupo region are FREE and will help you reach thousands of visitors to the website every month. 

It’s worth taking the time to list your business, and ensuring your listing is up to date. Here's how:

Activity, accommodation, transport or tour operator

Step 1: List your business on newzealand.com

Lovetaupo.com automatically pulls all activity, accommodation, transport and tour operator listings from Tourism New Zealand's website newzealand.com. Tourism New Zealand's website receives around 1 million visits per month worldwide, so it’s the number one tourism website to promote your business to international markets. If you are listed on newzealand.com, you will automatically appear on lovetaupo.com.

Click here for more information on how to create or update your listing and how to create a deal on newzealand.com.

If you already have a listing on newzealand.com, please login to check if all your details are updated.

Listings are removed if you haven’t logged in for a year.

If you need help logging in or any other assistance, please contact the Tourism New Zealand Digital Team:

E: register@tnz.govt.nz
P: +64 4 462 8030

Retail, services, food & beverage business

Please provide your business details to us for your FREE business listing on lovetaupo.com.

Listings can take up to 7 business days to be uploaded/updated.

Please supply the following details:

1. Business name

2. Short summary of your business (max 30 words that will appear above your business description)

3. Description of your business (three to four paragraphs, max 200 words)

4. Contact details (contact name, business address, telephone number, free phone number, email, website)

5. Up to five images and your business logo (must be in high-res jpg format, minimum 1920 pixels wide)

Please email your details to Rodd@lovetaupo.com.

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  2. Industry
  3. List your business