Five Mile Bliss - Lake Taupo Holiday Home


Contemporary and sophisticated while providing the comforts of home, Five Mile Bliss is a lakeside stunner with 180-degree views of breathtaking Lake Taupo.

Elevated and inviting, the open-plan living space is perfectly positioned for natural sunlight and a stunning vista of Lake Taupo. Thoughtfully decorated with style and comfort in mind, relax and unwind on the plush couches while staying connected via a Smart TV and WIFI. The space flows effortlessly through to your kitchen-dining area, with a wood-burning fireplace which provides year-round warmth. Sleek, stainless steel benchtops comprise your striking kitchen, which is a chef’s delight, being equipped with modern appliances and fittings.

Opening times

Months of operation
All Year


$424 - $1,838 (Adult)

Please check listing details on

+64 9 366 7000
Physical address:
Five Mile Bliss - Lake Taupo Holiday Home
Mahuta Road North
Pukawa Bay
New Zealand

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