Kindred Spirit - Maori Carvings Sailing Tour


Escape the hectic of life and experience the beauty of the lake and the Māori Rock Carvings on Lake Taupō's largest charter yacht Kindred Spirit with superior comfort.

Come on board and experience the beauty of a scenic sailing tour to the Māori Rock Carvings, one of the most extraordinary contemporary carvings in the world. Only viewable from the water, the likeness of Ngātoroirangi towers 14-metres above Lake Taupō. Escape from hectic life for a while and enjoy the breathtaking views around. Listen to our experienced skippers and learn about the history of the lake. Give the crew a hand hoisting the sails and take a turn on the wheel or just snuggle under some blankets and enjoy the wide selection of drinks. Take a dip and swim in the crystal-clear waters of the largest freshwater lake in Australasia. We offer the longest swim stop out of any company on the lake (weather dependent).

Opening times

Business hours
Daily, 8.30am to 7.00pm
Months of operation
All Year


$59 - $75 (Adult)
$49 - $65 (Child)

Sailing trips are subject to minimum numbers, lake and weather conditions. Please let us know in advance if you have medical issues. The skipper has the last call on check in to decide if the trip is suitable regarding medical issues due to health and safety. Enjoy free pizza and beverages on some departures - or purchase light refreshments on-board.

+64 22 697 1586
Physical address:
Taupo Sailing Adventures - Kindred Spirit - Māori Rock Carvings Sailing Tour
Berth #14 Redoubt Street
Taupō Town
New Zealand

The content on this page was created by Kindred Spirit - Maori Carvings Sailing Tour.

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